Android Development Course

Course Highlights

Learn anytime anywhere

At your own schedule

Mobile friendly

No laptop? No problem

Certificate of training

from Your First Job Trainings

Beginner Friendly

No prior knowledge required

Pay After Placement

With lifetime access

Doubt clearing Session

For hands-on practice

Placement Assistance

To build your career

200+ hours

flexible schedule

Why Learn Android App Development?


With 2.6Mn apps on Play Store and 75 Billion downloads a year, Android App Development is one of the most popular skills today.

Build your own app

Imagine an app on Play Store under your name. There is nothing more exciting than that!

Lucrative salary

The Android Developers earn as high as 9 LPA+ according to Glassdoor.


 What placement assistance will you receive?


Free Placement Prep Training

Learn how to build your resume, make great applications, and ace your interviews.

Get internships & jobs on Your First Job

Get internships and fresher jobs as per your preference by our dedicated placement officer .

Get highlighted on Your First Job Portal

Top performers will be highlighted in their internship & job applications on Your First Job Portal

How will your training work?

Learn concepts

Go through training videos to learn concepts and get Live training Sessions from mentors

Test yourself

Test your knowledge through quizzes & module tests at regular intervals

Hands-on practice

Work on assignments and projects. Use our Your First Code Coding Platform for coding practice

1:1 doubt solving

Get your doubts solved by experts through Q&A forum within 24 hours

Take final exam

Complete your training by taking the final exam

Get certified

Get certified in Web Development upon successful completion of training

Android App Development Course Overview

In a digitally dominated world, people spend more time on mobile applications than on web pages or website searches. Android-based applications like e-commerce, social media communications, and gaming are the most popular. A study says that the number of app downloads exceeded 142 billion and is expected to reach 200 billion by 2025. As a result, Android development has emerged as one of the most in-demand skills in the job market. 


To gain expertise in this field, taking an Android Development course is ideal. Your First Job’s course on Android development is a unique government-certified online training from NSDC (National Skill Development Corporation) & Skill India. This course will equip learners with the right skills required to land their dream Android development job.


Android Online Course Outline


The course outline covers all the knowledge areas and skills that are required for enthusiastic learners to become skilled Android developers. It starts with a basic understanding of what Android is, its working environment, and the tools that are used to develop an Android application. Learners will also gain a logical understanding of writing code using the most important Android programming language, Kotlin. 


Moving ahead, the participants will discover a comprehensive understanding of setting up an environment to develop an app with all the necessary components. It will walk you through the advanced concepts associated with Android development and its functionalities. The course will end with final completion only when the participants successfully submit a final project of their choice, that is, building an Android application from scratch.


Overview of the Android Application Development Course


1. Introduction to Android

The course begins with a foundational knowledge of Android, its applications, and the environment and tools used to develop Android apps.


2. World of Kotlin

In this section, you will start the actual Android online training, where you will be introduced to Kotlin, a crucial programming language for Android-based applications. You will learn to code in Kotlin by learning concepts like variables, operators, strings, functions, arrays, conditional statements, loops, lists, handling errors & exceptions, inheritance, and interfaces.


3. Android Kick-off

This section goes over the entire process of preparing an environment for Android application development. This includes details on the installation and setup of Android Studio. You will also learn about linear and relative layouts, adding click listeners, defining Android activity, its lifecycle, and more.


4. Higher Order Functionalities

In this section, you will delve into advanced Android development concepts. Starting with navigation views and Android Fragments, you will proceed to learn about using a recycler with data and connecting the application to the internet. You will also understand concepts like fetching data with GET and POST requests and learn how to launch applications in the Android market.


5. The Final Project

This section will culminate your Android development course. You will develop an Android application by applying the acquired knowledge, right from defining the purpose and future scope of the project to applying the testing techniques and performing the uploading procedure.


Job Opportunities After Course Completion


Once a learner completes the Android application development course, there will be numerous job opportunities that await. Here are a few Android App Development positions that you can apply for:



Why Should You Pursue Your First Job’s Android Development Course?


Your First Job’s Android development course online offers exciting benefits and carves a path to a great career. Here is why you should opt for this course:


Your First Job will provide you with placement assistance, right from writing your resume and cover letter to preparing for an Android interview and helping you submit your application for Android internships and job applications.